E. Open Interp Theatre - Thu 4/04 Pattern E Round 5 - 8:00

Theater 1 Theater 2 Room Judge
On This Side of the World Bottoms Level 2 - Cascade 1 1. Christiaan Pipion - IVC
2. Zachary White - Cypress College
zz-bye Puffs ROOM TBA 1. IT BYE JUDGE ONE - Hired Judges
2. IT BYE JUDGE Two - Hired Judges
From Both Sides Baaa Level 2 - Redwood 1 1. Natalie Kellner - LPC
2. Paul Villa - DVC
The Act The Bad Show! Level 2 - Cascade 4 1. Margaret Bilos - Harper College
2. Sarah Contreras - DMC
The Tower What Remains Level 2 - Redwood 3 1. Justin Perkins - Cypress College
2. Kyle Duffy - COC