B. High School SPAR Event Prompts

High School & Elementary Round 1 - 1:30 p.m.

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • The US needs prison reform
    • Throw pillows are unnecessary 
    • Improvisation should be required in school
  2. Speaker 2

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • The US needs prison reform
    • Throw pillows are unnecessary 
    • Improvisation should be required in school
  3. Speaker 3

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • The government should pay for basic healthcare
    • Christmas lights should be taken down the day after Christmas
    • Some situations call for physical violence
  4. Speaker 4

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • The government should pay for basic healthcare
    • Christmas lights should be taken down the day after Christmas
    • Some situations call for physical violence

High School & Elementary Round 2 - 2:45 p.m.

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • Students should have input in curricula
    • Public shaming is useful
    • Books should have ratings like movies
  2. Speaker 2

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • Students should have input in curricula
    • Public shaming is useful
    • Books should have ratings like movies
  3. Speaker 3

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • Scientific exploration should be banned in International waters
    • Military or civil service should be mandatory to vote
    • Ambition is more important than creativity
  4. Speaker 4

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • Scientific exploration should be banned in International waters
    • Military or civil service should be mandatory to vote
    • Ambition is more important than creativity

High School & Elementary Round 3 - 4:00 p.m.

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • The federal government should fund a national Wifi
    • It is ok to mark up a book
    • Mobile app filters are harmful
  2. Speaker 2

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • The federal government should fund a national Wifi
    • It is ok to mark up a book
    • Mobile app filters are harmful
  3. Speaker 3

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • We should defund the police
    • Everyone is unique
    • Prisoners have a right to privacy
  4. Speaker 4

    Please copy + paste the following topics into the chat window of your competition room after you have flipped a coin to determine which of the first two speakers will be PRO and who will be CON. Judges are permitted to reassign speaker order. PRO strikes one topic, then CON strikes another. The remaining topic is the one the debaters will use.

    • We should defund the police
    • Everyone is unique
    • Prisoners have a right to privacy

High School & Elementary Finals - 5:30 p.m.