A. College Informative Result Sheets (6 entries)

School Competitor Prelims Prelim Totals Placing
Butte Community College Millie Kinnamont 1 1 2 4 Gold
Butte Community College Shawn Brannan 2 3 5 10 Silver
Butte Community College Rachel Sites 4 5 4 13
Butte Community College B'El del Valle 3 4 5 12
Irvine Valley College Braxton Nguyen 5 2 3 10 Silver
University of California San Diego Rebecca Du 5 5 1 11

Prelim Tie Breakers: Ranks|Decimal|Drop High Rank

Elim Tie Breakers: Total Rank In Event|Number Of Firsts In Event|Rank In Elim|Decimal In Elim|Judge Pref In Elim
