C. High School SPAR Event Prompts
Round 1 - 2:30pm
Speaker 1
- Single-sex schools are better for education
- The most addictive Tik Toks videos are the ones where people are escaping death.
- Self-determination of peoples should be a human right.
Speaker 2
- Single-sex schools are better for education
- The most addictive Tik Toks videos are the ones where people are escaping death.
- Self-determination of peoples should be a human right.
Speaker 3
- The two-party system should be abolished
- Parents should be able to easily monitor their kids' social media activity
- In the United States, prisoners and people convicted of any crime should be allowed to vote.
Speaker 4
- The two-party system should be abolished
- Parents should be able to easily monitor their kids' social media activity
- In the United States, prisoners and people convicted of any crime should be allowed to vote.
Speaker 5
- Political campaigns should not be allowed to accept money from companies
- Zoom/Meeting cameras should always be on during meetings
- Text messages should be answered on the same day
Speaker 6
- Political campaigns should not be allowed to accept money from companies
- Zoom/Meeting cameras should always be on during meetings
- Text messages should be answered on the same day
Round 2 - 3:45pm
Speaker 1
- Social media platforms should have spell check
- Public schools should teach religion
- Gain of function research should be banned
Speaker 2
- Social media platforms should have spell check
- Public schools should teach religion
- Gain of function research should be banned
Speaker 3
- Sarcasm does more good in relationships than harm
- The right to bear arms should include the ability to protect yourself electronically
- The stock market should be shut dow
Speaker 4
- Sarcasm does more good in relationships than harm
- The right to bear arms should include the ability to protect yourself electronically
- The stock market should be shut dow
Speaker 5
- California should declare its independence, and convince neighboring states to join a new Western union.
- The Internet should be more censored
- The US should adopt metric measurement
Speaker 6
- California should declare its independence, and convince neighboring states to join a new Western union.
- The Internet should be more censored
- The US should adopt metric measurement
Round 3 - 5:00pm
Speaker 1
- School uniforms should be made mandatory
- Drug legalization would be a good for America
- Cancel culture is good for societ
Speaker 2
- School uniforms should be made mandatory
- Drug legalization would be a good for America
- Cancel culture is good for societ
Speaker 3
- It's OK to tease
- Organic farming should be subsidized
- The government should send citizens a tax bill each yea
Speaker 4
- It's OK to tease
- Organic farming should be subsidized
- The government should send citizens a tax bill each yea
Speaker 5
- Students should have to say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning
- Property tax should be abolished
- Freedom of Speech cannot exist on the Interne
Speaker 6
- Students should have to say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning
- Property tax should be abolished
- Freedom of Speech cannot exist on the Interne