C. High School SPAR Event Prompts

Round 1 - 2:30pm

  1. Speaker 1

    1. Single-sex schools are better for education
    2. The most addictive Tik Toks videos are the ones where people are escaping death.
    3. Self-determination of peoples should be a human right.
  2. Speaker 2

    1. Single-sex schools are better for education
    2. The most addictive Tik Toks videos are the ones where people are escaping death.
    3. Self-determination of peoples should be a human right.
  3. Speaker 3

    1. The two-party system should be abolished
    2. Parents should be able to easily monitor their kids' social media activity
    3. In the United States, prisoners and people convicted of any crime should be allowed to vote.
  4. Speaker 4

    1. The two-party system should be abolished
    2. Parents should be able to easily monitor their kids' social media activity
    3. In the United States, prisoners and people convicted of any crime should be allowed to vote.
  5. Speaker 5

    1. Political campaigns should not be allowed to accept money from companies
    2. Zoom/Meeting cameras should always be on during meetings
    3. Text messages should be answered on the same day
  6. Speaker 6

    1. Political campaigns should not be allowed to accept money from companies
    2. Zoom/Meeting cameras should always be on during meetings
    3. Text messages should be answered on the same day

Round 2 - 3:45pm

  1. Speaker 1

    1. Social media platforms should have spell check
    2. Public schools should teach religion
    3. Gain of function research should be banned
  2. Speaker 2

    1. Social media platforms should have spell check
    2. Public schools should teach religion
    3. Gain of function research should be banned
  3. Speaker 3

    1. Sarcasm does more good in relationships than harm
    2. The right to bear arms should include the ability to protect yourself electronically
    3. The stock market should be shut dow
  4. Speaker 4

    1. Sarcasm does more good in relationships than harm
    2. The right to bear arms should include the ability to protect yourself electronically
    3. The stock market should be shut dow
  5. Speaker 5

    1. California should declare its independence, and convince neighboring states to join a new Western union.
    2. The Internet should be more censored
    3. The US should adopt metric measurement
  6. Speaker 6

    1. California should declare its independence, and convince neighboring states to join a new Western union.
    2. The Internet should be more censored
    3. The US should adopt metric measurement

Round 3 - 5:00pm

  1. Speaker 1

    1. School uniforms should be made mandatory
    2. Drug legalization would be a good for America
    3. Cancel culture is good for societ
  2. Speaker 2

    1. School uniforms should be made mandatory
    2. Drug legalization would be a good for America
    3. Cancel culture is good for societ
  3. Speaker 3

    1. It's OK to tease
    2. Organic farming should be subsidized
    3. The government should send citizens a tax bill each yea
  4. Speaker 4

    1. It's OK to tease
    2. Organic farming should be subsidized
    3. The government should send citizens a tax bill each yea
  5. Speaker 5

    1. Students should have to say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning
    2. Property tax should be abolished
    3. Freedom of Speech cannot exist on the Interne
  6. Speaker 6

    1. Students should have to say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning
    2. Property tax should be abolished
    3. Freedom of Speech cannot exist on the Interne