B. Middle School Impromptu Event Prompts

Round 1 - 8:00am

  1. Speaker 1

    1. Bookcase
    2. Buckles
    3. Bear
  2. Speaker 2

    1. Painter
    2. Fox
    3. Physician
  3. Speaker 3

    1. Spoon
    2. Sky
    3. Bed
  4. Speaker 4

    1. Bones
    2. Horn
    3. Pencil
  5. Speaker 5

    1. Rainbow
    2. Lung
    3. Bucket
  6. Speaker 6

    1. Garlic
    2. Dog
    3. Vest
  7. Speaker 7

    1. Tomato
    2. Grandmother
    3. Forest

Round 2 - 9:30am

  1. Speaker 1

    1. Justice
    2. Love
    3. Restoration
  2. Speaker 2

    1. Freedom
    2. Appetite
    3. Weariness
  3. Speaker 3

    1. Silliness
    2. Contentment
    3. Worry
  4. Speaker 4

    1. Hope
    2. Speed
    3. Luxury
  5. Speaker 5

    1. Annoyance
    2. Rumor
    3. Infatuation
  6. Speaker 6

    1. Law
    2. Kindness
    3. Shock
  7. Speaker 7

    1. Wit
    2. Childhood
    3. Advantage

Round 3 - 10:40am

  1. Speaker 1

    Walk the walk, talk the talk. 

    A thing begun is half done.

    Possession is nine-tenths of the law. 


  2. Speaker 2

    A rolling stone gathers no moss

    He who hesitates is lost.

    The show must go on


  3. Speaker 3

    A good listener is a silent flatterer.

    Honesty is the best policy.

    If you can’t beat them, join them.


  4. Speaker 4

    If you snooze, you lose.

    Watch the doughnut and not the hole

    Look before you leap.


  5. Speaker 5

    Hard words break no bones.

    The early bird gets the worm

    May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty! --Irish proverb

  6. Speaker 6

    Blood is thicker than water

    A wise man makes his own decisions, but an ignorant man mindlessly follows the crowd. --Chinese Proverb

    When you show the moon to a child, it sees only your finger. --Zambian proverb

  7. Speaker 7

    A diamond with a flaw is better than a common stone that is perfect.

    Measure twice, cut once.

    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Finals - noon

  1. Speaker 1

    1. To love beauty is to see light. --Victor Hugo
    2. Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact. --William James
    3. Do not seek death. Death will find you. But seek the road which makes death a fulfillment. --Dag Hammarskjold
  2. Speaker 2

    1. In fair weather prepare for foul. --Thomas Fuller
    2. Tis best to weigh the enemy more mighty than he seems. --William Shakespeare
    3. A wise woman knows how to summon her courage and do what is right, rather than what is easy. --Suze Orman
  3. Speaker 3

    1. In my old age I've come to find that if you respect other people, you feel better about yourself. --Bijou Phillips
    2. When you're eight years old nothing is your business. --Lenny Bruce
    3. Let me recommend the best medicine in the world: a long journey, at a mild season, through a pleasant country, in easy stages. --James Madison
  4. Speaker 4

    1. Every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him. --Henry Miller
    2. The Internet: transforming society and shaping the future through chat. --Dave Barry
    3. Everything can change at any moment, suddenly and forever. --Paul Auster
  5. Speaker 5

    1. Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. --Khalil Gibran
    2. No man is wise enough, nor good enough to be trusted with unlimited power. --Charles Caleb Colton
    3. If you have a dream, just lie about it. Lie your way unto your dreams. --Joel McHale
  6. Speaker 6

    1. It is to be noted that when any part of this paper appears dull there is a design in it. --Richard Steele
    2. Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.  Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. --Winston Churchill
    3. Science by itself has no moral dimension. But it does seek to establish truth. And upon this truth morality can be built. --William Masters
  7. Speaker 7

    1. Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal. --Arthur Schopenhauer
    2. It is vain for the coward to flee death follows close behind it is only by defying it that the brave escape. --Voltaire
    3. The only really happy folk are married women and single men. --H. L. Mencken