A. College IPDA Event Prompts

Round 1 - 1:30pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy/paste the following topics into the video chat. Negative Strikes, Affirmative Strikes, Negative Strikes, Affirmative Strikes, and the remaining topic will be debated. Both debaters then have 30 minutes to prepare.

    1. Fans should boycott international sporting events
    2. High schools should embrace remote education even after the pandemic.
    3. The U.S. should use a national popular vote for presidential elections
    4. Never split the party
    5. Macs are better than PCs

Round 2 - 3:05pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy/paste the following topics into the video chat. Negative Strikes, Affirmative Strikes, Negative Strikes, Affirmative Strikes, and the remaining topic will be debated. Both debaters then have 30 minutes to prepare.

    1. Undergraduate college education should be free
    2. Facebook has done more harm than good for interpersonal communication.
    3. It’s time for a lunar colony.
    4. The United States should abolish the office of President
    5. All tourism to Hawaii is unethical

Round 3 - 4:15pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy/paste the following topics into the video chat. Negative Strikes, Affirmative Strikes, Negative Strikes, Affirmative Strikes, and the remaining topic will be debated. Both debaters then have 30 minutes to prepare.

    1. Spare the rod, spoil the child
    2. Online gaming should be recognized as an olympic sport.
    3. The USFG should impose term limits on the Supreme Court.
    4. Disneyworld is better than Disneyland
    5. High schools should require foreign language proficiency for graduation

Finals - 6:10pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Please copy/paste the following topics into the video chat. Negative Strikes, Affirmative Strikes, Negative Strikes, Affirmative Strikes, and the remaining topic will be debated. Both debaters then have 30 minutes to prepare.

    1. Alcohol, junk food, and sugar related advertisements need to be banned.
    2. NATO does more harm than good
    3. Iran is a bigger threat to US interests than North Korea.
    4. The United States should allow the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports.
    5. It’s time to dissolve the EU.