G. High School SPAR Event Prompts

Round 1 - 5:30 PM

  1. Speaker 1

    Drug addicts need help not punishment

    Political parties should be dissolved

    The electoral college should be abolished

  2. Speaker 2

    Drug addicts need help not punishment

    Political parties should be dissolved

    The electoral college should be abolished

  3. Speaker 3

    Standardized testing reflects the value of the student

    The death penalty is a morally justified punishment.

    The government should guarantee a minimum annual cash income to its citizens.

  4. Speaker 4

    Standardized testing reflects the value of the student

    The death penalty is a morally justified punishment.

    The government should guarantee a minimum annual cash income to its citizens.

  5. Speaker 5

    School districts should be unified into one single district in the USA

    The US Government should stop adding programs until the deficit is gone

    All teenagers should be required to get after-school jobs

  6. Speaker 6

    School districts should be unified into one single district in the USA

    The US Government should stop adding programs until the deficit is gone

    All teenagers should be required to get after-school jobs

Round 2 - 9:30 AM

  1. Speaker 1

    Nationalism is beneficial in the context of globalization

    The United States Senate filibuster should be eliminated.

    Affirmative action should be discontinued

  2. Speaker 2

    Nationalism is beneficial in the context of globalization

    The United States Senate filibuster should be eliminated.

    Affirmative action should be discontinued

  3. Speaker 3

    The US should defund the police

    People's social media should be subject to work/school standards

    An enlightened dictatorship is better than an unstable democracy.

  4. Speaker 4

    The US should defund the police

    People's social media should be subject to work/school standards

    An enlightened dictatorship is better than an unstable democracy.

  5. Speaker 5

    Euthanasia should be legalized

    America should pull out of NATO

    Therapy should be part of annual check-ups

  6. Speaker 6

    Euthanasia should be legalized

    America should pull out of NATO

    Therapy should be part of annual check-ups

Round - 1:00 PM

  1. Speaker 1

    The European Union should be dissolved

    Political Correctness is a threat to free speech

    Human cloning should be banned

  2. Speaker 2

    The European Union should be dissolved

    Political Correctness is a threat to free speech

    Human cloning should be banned

  3. Speaker 3

    eSports should be considered a sport

    College should be free for everyone

    Minimum wages should be raised to support cost of living

  4. Speaker 4

    eSports should be considered a sport

    College should be free for everyone

    Minimum wages should be raised to support cost of living

  5. Speaker 5

    The credit industry promotes economic development

    Illegal immigrants should have the option to become citizens

    The right to bear arms is a necessary constitutional amendment

  6. Speaker 6

    The credit industry promotes economic development

    Illegal immigrants should have the option to become citizens

    The right to bear arms is a necessary constitutional amendment

Round - 9:30 AM

  1. Speaker 1

    Schools should be allowed to test students for drugs

    University education should be free.

    Donald Trump should be allowed on Twitter

  2. Speaker 2

    Schools should be allowed to test students for drugs

    University education should be free.

    Donald Trump should be allowed on Twitter

  3. Speaker 3

    The government should secure the borders and demand that all undocumented immigrants return to their home countries.

    Cigarette smoking and vaping should be banned entirely

    Books should include trigger warnings

  4. Speaker 4

    The government should secure the borders and demand that all undocumented immigrants return to their home countries.

    Cigarette smoking and vaping should be banned entirely

    Books should include trigger warnings

  5. Speaker 5

    The government should provide free internet service for everyone

    Parents should control their children's medical decisions until adulthood

    All people should be required to register for the selective service (draft)


  6. Speaker 6

    The government should provide free internet service for everyone

    Parents should control their children's medical decisions until adulthood

    All people should be required to register for the selective service (draft)