F. High School NOF Parli Event Prompts
Round 1 - 3:00 PM
Speaker 1
The negative will strike one topic, then the affirmative. The remaining topic will then be debated. Competitors have 15 minutes to prepare for the debate.
- This house would abolish occupational licensing.
- When forced to choose, a just government ought to prioritize universal human rights over its national interest.
- Attendance policies in education do more harm than good.
Round 2 - 4:15 PM
Speaker 1
The negative will strike one topic, then the affirmative. The remaining topic will then be debated. Competitors have 15 minutes to prepare for the debate.
- Nuclear energy is the best path forward to fight climate change
- The United States should abolish Daylight Saving Time
- When in conflict, democracy ought to be valued over security
Round - 8:00 AM
Speaker 1
The negative will strike one topic, then the affirmative. The remaining topic will then be debated. Competitors have 15 minutes to prepare for the debate.
- Cryptocurrency is a good investment
- A college education does more good than harm.
- Homeschooling does more harm than good
Round - 11:00 AM
Speaker 1
The negative will strike one topic, then the affirmative. The remaining topic will then be debated. Competitors have 15 minutes to prepare for the debate.
- General education requirements benefit students
- Resolved: gun control laws are ineffective
- The United States should aid with Mexico’s law enforcement training
Round- 4:30 PM
Speaker 1
The negative will strike one topic, then the affirmative. The remaining topic will then be debated. Competitors have 15 minutes to prepare for the debate.
- The United States should adopt a wealth tax
- The United States federal government should pass a policy that significantly limits intellectual property protections for pharmaceutical drugs in the United States.
- The United States Federal Government should adopt to a policy to reduce the digital divide
Round - 11:00 AM
Speaker 1
The negative will strike one topic, then the affirmative. The remaining topic will then be debated. Competitors have 15 minutes to prepare for the debate.
- On balance, the benefits of United States participation in the Free Trade Agreements outweigh the consequences.
- Resolved: Chain stores are detrimental to the best interests of the American public.
- Resolved: The United States ought to abolish the minimum wage.