F. High School NOF Parli Event Prompts

Round 1 - 3:00 PM

  1. Speaker 1

    The negative will strike one topic, then the affirmative. The remaining topic will then be debated. Competitors have 15 minutes to prepare for the debate.

    1. This house would abolish occupational licensing.
    2. When forced to choose, a just government ought to prioritize universal human rights over its national interest.
    3. Attendance policies in education do more harm than good.

Round 2 - 4:15 PM

  1. Speaker 1

    The negative will strike one topic, then the affirmative. The remaining topic will then be debated. Competitors have 15 minutes to prepare for the debate.

    1. Nuclear energy is the best path forward to fight climate change
    2. The United States should abolish Daylight Saving Time
    3. When in conflict, democracy ought to be valued over security

Round - 8:00 AM

  1. Speaker 1

    The negative will strike one topic, then the affirmative. The remaining topic will then be debated. Competitors have 15 minutes to prepare for the debate.

    1. Cryptocurrency is a good investment 
    2. A college education does more good than harm. 
    3. Homeschooling does more harm than good 


Round - 11:00 AM

  1. Speaker 1


    The negative will strike one topic, then the affirmative. The remaining topic will then be debated. Competitors have 15 minutes to prepare for the debate.

    1. General education requirements benefit students
    2. Resolved: gun control laws are ineffective
    3. The United States should aid with Mexico’s law enforcement training

Round- 4:30 PM

  1. Speaker 1

    The negative will strike one topic, then the affirmative. The remaining topic will then be debated. Competitors have 15 minutes to prepare for the debate.

    1. The United States should adopt a wealth tax
    2. The United States federal government should pass a policy that significantly limits intellectual property protections for pharmaceutical drugs in the United States.
    3. The United States Federal Government should adopt to a policy to reduce the digital divide

Round - 11:00 AM

  1. Speaker 1

    The negative will strike one topic, then the affirmative. The remaining topic will then be debated. Competitors have 15 minutes to prepare for the debate.

    1. On balance, the benefits of United States participation in the Free Trade Agreements outweigh the consequences.
    2. Resolved: Chain stores are detrimental to the best interests of the American public.
    3. Resolved: The United States ought to abolish the minimum wage.