A. Novice IPDA Event Prompts

9:00AM - Round 1A

  1. Speaker 1

    1. Resolved: The USFG should ban fracking.
    2. Resolved: NASA should fund a human mission to Mars.
    3. Resolved: “Cancel culture” is an effective form of communication.
    4. Resolved: Access to technology is a basic human right.
    5. Resolved: We need all hands on deck in 2021.

12:00pm - Round 2A

  1. Speaker 1

    1. Resolved: Energy infrastructure should be under public contracts. 
    2. Resolved: California should increase its efforts to prevent wildfires.
    3. Resolved: The Biden administration is effectively fighting for social justice. 
    4. Resolved: Social media is an appropriate way to learn about health. 
    5. Resolved: It’s time to let freedom ring in the U.S.

3:15pm - A Finals & IPDA Round 3

  1. Speaker 1

    1. Resolved: States should lower the legal drinking age to 18.
    2. Resolved: The USFG should make efforts to increase their use of renewable energy. 
    3. Resolved: Current immigration laws are beneficial during the pandemic. 
    4. Resolved: The Suez Canal is no longer effective for international trade.
    5. Resolved: In the U.S., the COVID-19 pandemic has proven that we are only as strong as our weakest link.