D. Open IPDA Event Prompts


  1. Speaker 1

    Elim 4
    1. Credit card rewards programs hurt consumers.

    2. Third party candidates have done more harm than good in U.S. presidential elections.

    3. Inflation is not dangerous.

    4. Egypt should re-open the Rafah border crossing.

    5. San Francisco should reject proposition E (2024).

8:00 AM- Round 1 IPDA/LD

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 1
    1. Artificial intelligence will create more jobs than it eliminates.

    2. International sanctions are effective in curbing nuclear proliferation.

    3. Academic freedom is more important than academic responsibility.

    4. The United States should declare Internet access to be a basic human right.

    5. The United States should lower the legal voting age to 16.

9:15 AM- Round 2 IPDA/LD

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 2
    1. Daylight savings time is harmful to human health.

    2. Freedom of the press ought to be valued above national security concerns. 

    3. Privacy concerns outweigh the benefits of surveillance technology.

    4. The United States federal government should implement Medicare for All.

    5. California public Universities and Colleges should adopt stronger restrictions on plagiarism.

11:20 AM- Round 3 IPDA/LD

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 3
    1. Drug testing is ineffective.

    2. Fully online classes have been net beneficial for California Community College students.

    3. Friendship is more important than romance.

    4. The NCAA should officially recognize esports as athletic events.

    5. The Indian government should pass legislation guaranteeing minimum purchase prices for all farm produce.

1:40 PM- Round 4 IPDA/LD

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 4
    1. The California Faculty Association strike was not successful.

    2. In Ukraine, peace should be valued over sovereign borders.

    3. Concrete is more harmful than not.

    4. Ursula von der Leyen should not seek a second term.

    5. The United States federal government should eliminate daylight savings time.

3:00 PM- Elim 1 IPDA/LD

  1. Speaker 1

    Elim 1
    1. The gig economy benefits American workers more than it harms them.

    2. Lies of omission are immoral.

    3. The principle of non-intervention has done more harm than good.

    4. The United States should significantly restrict private air travel.

    5. The United States should increase pressure on Hungary to ratify Sweden’s entry into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

4:20 PM- Elim 2 IPDA/LD

  1. Speaker 1


    Elim 2
    1. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has outlived its usefulness.

    2. Rent control is overrated.

    3. Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for president of the United States of America in 2024.

    4. The United Nations should reform the Security Council to include more permanent members.


    5. California should repeal Prop 13.


6:45 PM- Elim 3 IPDA

  1. Speaker 1

    Elim 3
    1. The resistance is failing.

    2. The benefits of nuclear energy outweigh its risks.

    3. Telecommuting increases productivity and employee satisfaction.

    4. The International Astronomical Union should reinstate Pluto as a planet.

    5. Robert F. Kennedy jr. should end his campaign for the presidency of the United States.