C. High School SPAR Event Prompts
Round 1 - 10:00am
Speaker 1
Industrial nations should make annual reparations to impacted countries
An enlightened dictatorship is better than an unstable democracy.
Parents should be held responsible for their children’s mistakesSpeaker 2
Industrial nations should make annual reparations to impacted countries
An enlightened dictatorship is better than an unstable democracy.
Parents should be held responsible for their children’s mistakesSpeaker 3
High profitability can justify environmentally hazardous practices
When in conflict, the preservation of minority cultural values ought to be valued above the preservation of a unified national culture.
Drug addicts need help not punishmentSpeaker 4
High profitability can justify environmentally hazardous practices
When in conflict, the preservation of minority cultural values ought to be valued above the preservation of a unified national culture.
Drug addicts need help not punishmentSpeaker 5
Media coverage of terrorist acts should be prevented.
Mobile banking is more secure than traditional banking
Governments should force drug companies to make life-saving medications cheaper.Speaker 6
Media coverage of terrorist acts should be prevented.
Mobile banking is more secure than traditional banking
Governments should force drug companies to make life-saving medications cheaper.
Round 2 - 11:45am
Speaker 1
Vaccines should be mandatory
People should be at least 25 before having children
Space exploration should only be funded by private companiesSpeaker 2
Vaccines should be mandatory
People should be at least 25 before having children
Space exploration should only be funded by private companiesSpeaker 3
Public officials should be required to spend more time among their constituents
The United States should normalize economic relations with the Republic of Cuba.
Lowering or eliminating taxes helps the economy grow.Speaker 4
Public officials should be required to spend more time among their constituents
The United States should normalize economic relations with the Republic of Cuba.
Lowering or eliminating taxes helps the economy grow.Speaker 5
People should legally own their DNA
The government should provide free internet service for everyone
State Universtity lectures should be publicly available on the InternetSpeaker 6
People should legally own their DNA
The government should provide free internet service for everyone
State Universtity lectures should be publicly available on the Internet
Round 3 - 1:15pm
Speaker 1
Lowering or eliminating taxes help the economy grow.
All people should be required to register for the selective service (draft)
Gain of function research should be bannedSpeaker 2
Lowering or eliminating taxes help the economy grow.
All people should be required to register for the selective service (draft)
Gain of function research should be bannedSpeaker 3
Higher education is necessary for future financial success
The US Government should stop adding programs until the deficit is gone
The government should pay for basic healthcareSpeaker 4
Higher education is necessary for future financial success
The US Government should stop adding programs until the deficit is gone
The government should pay for basic healthcareSpeaker 5
People's social media should be subject to work/school standards
Karen" is an offensive term.
Google is a monopolySpeaker 6
People's social media should be subject to work/school standards
Karen" is an offensive term.
Google is a monopoly
Elim 1 - 3:00pm
Speaker 1
The right to bear arms is a necessary constitutional amendment
All teenagers should be required to get after-school jobs
Criminal justice should focus solely on rehabilitation.Speaker 2
The right to bear arms is a necessary constitutional amendment
All teenagers should be required to get after-school jobs
Criminal justice should focus solely on rehabilitation.Speaker 3
Military or civil service should be mandatory to vote
Non-profits should have salary caps
In the United States, majoring in a STEM-related field is over-emphasized.Speaker 4
Military or civil service should be mandatory to vote
Non-profits should have salary caps
In the United States, majoring in a STEM-related field is over-emphasized.Speaker 5
All education should be privatized
The United States Senate filibuster should be eliminated.
Nuclear energy is better than solar energySpeaker 6
All education should be privatized
The United States Senate filibuster should be eliminated.
Nuclear energy is better than solar energy