B. Middle School SPAR Event Prompts

Round 1 - 10:00am

  1. Speaker 1

    Horse Racing should be banned
    The moon should be colonized
    Living together before marriage should be encouraged

  2. Speaker 2

    Horse Racing should be banned
    The moon should be colonized
    Living together before marriage should be encouraged

  3. Speaker 3

    Politicians are paid too much money
    Reality television depicts real life
    Healthcare services for all citizens should be fully funded by the government

  4. Speaker 4

    Politicians are paid too much money
    Reality television depicts real life
    Healthcare services for all citizens should be fully funded by the government

  5. Speaker 5

    Religion should be taught in schools
    Free speech can exist on social media platforms
    Community service should be required

  6. Speaker 6

    Religion should be taught in schools
    Free speech can exist on social media platforms
    Community service should be required

Round 2 - 11:45am

  1. Speaker 1

    The NSA's surveillance practices infringe on personal freedoms and privacy.
    Fighting can be productive
    Access to fresh fruits and vegetables is a basic human right.

  2. Speaker 2

    The NSA's surveillance practices infringe on personal freedoms and privacy.
    Fighting can be productive
    Access to fresh fruits and vegetables is a basic human right.

  3. Speaker 3

    Justice is more important than peace.
    Contact sports should not be offered in high schools
    National security is more important than personal privacy

  4. Speaker 4

    Justice is more important than peace.
    Contact sports should not be offered in high schools
    National security is more important than personal privacy

  5. Speaker 5

    The discovery of fire is more important than electricity
    Homework does more to hinder student well-being and creativity than it helps academically.
    Children under 4 should not be allowed on social media sites

  6. Speaker 6

    The discovery of fire is more important than electricity
    Homework does more to hinder student well-being and creativity than it helps academically.
    Children under 4 should not be allowed on social media sites

Round 3 - 1:15pm

  1. Speaker 1

    The pervasive influence of social media is more detrimental than beneficial for mental health.
    Global warming is unstoppable
    Social media does more harm than good

  2. Speaker 2

    The pervasive influence of social media is more detrimental than beneficial for mental health.
    Global warming is unstoppable
    Social media does more harm than good

  3. Speaker 3

    Advertisting should be banned during children's programs
    Freedom of Speech cannot exist on the Internet
    Planned Parenthood plays a crucial role in ensuring reproductive rights and healthcare.

  4. Speaker 4

    Advertisting should be banned during children's programs
    Freedom of Speech cannot exist on the Internet
    Planned Parenthood plays a crucial role in ensuring reproductive rights and healthcare.

  5. Speaker 5

    Ambition is good
    Professional athletes and celebrities deserve to make more money than the average person
    Travel is important for education

  6. Speaker 6

    Ambition is good
    Professional athletes and celebrities deserve to make more money than the average person
    Travel is important for education

Elim 1 - 3:00pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Mandatory vaccinations are necessary for the greater public health.
    Celebrity gossip has a detrimental impact on societal values.
    Computers can replace teachers

  2. Speaker 2

    Mandatory vaccinations are necessary for the greater public health.
    Celebrity gossip has a detrimental impact on societal values.
    Computers can replace teachers

  3. Speaker 3

    An educational qualification for voting should be universally required throughout the United States.
    The constitution of the US is outdated and must be re-written.
    The voting age should be lowered

  4. Speaker 4

    An educational qualification for voting should be universally required throughout the United States.
    The constitution of the US is outdated and must be re-written.
    The voting age should be lowered

  5. Speaker 5

    Children should be represented in government
    Harry Potter is better than Star Wars
    Curse words should be allowed in school since they are a form of free speech

  6. Speaker 6

    Children should be represented in government
    Harry Potter is better than Star Wars
    Curse words should be allowed in school since they are a form of free speech