B. Open Informative Result Sheets (4 entries)

School Competitor Prelims Prelim Totals Prelim Rank
Texas Christian University Cadence Jones 3 -22 4 -20 4 -20 11 - 62 4
Texas Tech University Joy Ogochukwu 4 -23 3 -22 3 -21 10 - 66 3
University of Texas at Dallas Alexander De Jesus-Colon 2 -24 1 -25 2 -23 5 - 72 2
University of Texas at Dallas Pranav Kumar 1 -25 2 -24 1 -24 4 - 73 1

Prelim Tie Breakers: Ranks|Points|Firsts|Drop High Rank

Elim Tie Breakers: Rank In Elim|Judge Pref In Elim|Total Rank In Event|Number Of Firsts In Event|Decimal In Elim|Points In Elim|Points In Prelim
