Judge Philosophies

Alex Emmerson - Ike


Amanda Ramirez - Chiawana


Becky Goodell - Ike


Brian Higgins - Wenatchee


Brittany Tennant - Ike


Bruce Goodell - Ike


Calvin Go - PHS

Charles Murphy - Ike


Chester Hoberg - Ike


Courtney Ralstin Arnold - Ephrata


Darby Swanson - PHS

Dave Carlson - Wenatchee


Don Hendrixson - Ephrata


Emily Goodell - Ike


Geoff White - PHS

<p>Spread in front of me. Read theory in front of me. Read T in front of me. Read&nbsp;K in front of me. Read all of these off of a computer if you want. If there are any qualifications that come with these statements you can read them below. This top bit is just to let you know that I&#39;m pretty happy to hear progressive args in a district where most judges aren&#39;t.</p> <p>Experience: Four messy years of debate at Pasco High during which I never really committed to a single format. Most of my experience was in LD so that&#39;s kind of how my paradigm is written. There are certain things you just can&#39;t do in PF. You know what they are. Just don&#39;t do them.&nbsp;</p> <p>Spread in front of me: I&#39;ll yell clear twice before I&#39;ll give up and just stop trying to get you to either&nbsp;slow down or speak more clearly. I&#39;ll still attempt to flow you, but don&#39;t expect perfection if I can&#39;t understand you. When I debated Colton Smith didn&#39;t spread me out so you can use that as a benchmark.&nbsp;I don&#39;t debate any more so I can&#39;t flow as fast as I used to, although I don&#39;t know of any debaters in district that I&#39;ve ever had a problem understanding in round.</p> <p>Read theory in front of me: There are two kinds of conflict: destructive and productive. Productive conflict is meant to have value. Destructive conflict is meant to have a winner and a loser. Interscholastic debate is meant to be a productive conflict. Theory args are ones which prevent debate from becoming a destructive conflict. Use them like this and you will be rewarded. Use them just to win and I will see you creating a destructive conflict and that will be reflected on the ballot.&nbsp;</p> <p>Read T and K in front of me: Signpost it really, really well and be very, very clear. RUN THEM AT YOUR OWN RISK. I&#39;m not super familiar with these args, but if you want to run them in front of me it&#39;s worth a shot.&nbsp;</p> <p>Timing: I&#39;d like you to cross time if you can. It&#39;s easier for me and better for you with regards to getting a fair ballot since it allows me to flow rather than time and flow. I&#39;ll give time signals if you need me to, but it&#39;s easier if I don&#39;t have to.&nbsp;</p> <p>&quot;Do you like more theoretical/philosophical args or concrete impacts better?&quot;: I&#39;ll vote for either one. I tended to run less nuanced, more &quot;HOLY CRAP LOOK AT ALL OF THE BODIES&quot; args when I debated, so they tend to resonate with me a little more, but not so much that you should try to adapt too much to fit that preference. Just keep in mind that I&#39;m going to default to &quot;death is bad.&quot; You don&#39;t have to do a bunch to prove that to me. If you try to tell me otherwise, I might believe you if you&#39;re really convincing.</p> <p>I don&#39;t think that V/VC has to clash. If your V/VC also does their V/VC then you don&#39;t need to artificially create conflict where there is none. Those of you who have ever hit me might know what I&#39;m talking about here. Others of you, sorry. It&#39;s probably not super clear what I mean by all of this.&nbsp;</p> <p>Have fun.</p> <p>I like clever args. My favorite thing I ever did in debate was turn an entire PF case with three&nbsp;cards when I was debating with Michael. I like that kind of crap. Don&#39;t expect it to win the round for you necessarily, but know that I find it entertaining.</p> <p>I&#39;m sure there are things I&#39;m missing so ask me about them in round. You&#39;ll probably ask me anyway since there are so few judges in the district who use this tool and as such nobody reads paradigms online.&nbsp;</p>

Jessica Rinker - Davis


Johanna Torres - Ike


John Weisenfeld - PHS

Katie Haynes - Ike


Khlaire Minear - Ike


Krista Eades - Ike


Laura Cooper - OHS


Laurel White - EHS


Sara Hyde - Chiawana


Stuart McCurdy - Ike


Stuart McCurdy - Wapato


Vicky Hyde - Chiawana
