D. Open Parli Event Prompts
RD1 Parli 9:00 AM
Speaker 1
Drone delivery is pivotal to the future of e-commerce.Remote work is pivotal to the future of corporate business.Solar energy is pivotal to the future of the U.S. energy industry.
RD2 Parli 10:30 AM
Speaker 1
TH is too invested in school sports.TH is too invested in Olympic sports.TH is too invested in professional sports.
RD3 Parli 12:30 PM
Speaker 1
The USFG should promote more sustainable agriculture.The USFG should better ensure paid maternity leave.The USFG should invest more in water and sanitation infrastructure.
RD4 Parli 2:00 PM
Speaker 1
The USFG should prioritize scientific research funding.The USFG should impose taxes on churches.The USFG should significantly ramp up efforts to counter Russian aggression.
Out-Round 1 PARLI 6:00 PM
Speaker 1
TH would prefer to see Kanye West just go away.TH would prefer to see Boris Johnson just go away.TH would prefer to see J.K. Rowling just go away.
Out-Round 2 PARLI 10:30 AM
Speaker 1
When forced to choose one or the other, TH prefers repairing the old house rather than building a new one.When forced to choose one or the other, TH prefers over-cautiousness to over-riskiness.When forced to choose one or the other, TH prefers paying back to paying forward.