C. Open IPDA Event Prompts
Round 1 Debate - 8:30-10:00
Speaker 1
Salt is a condiment
Pineapple belongs on pizza.
Dunkin > Krispy Kreme
Burritos are a type of sandwich.
Tacos > Pizza
Round 2 Debate - 10:00-11:30
Speaker 1
ROUND 2: Popular Culture
Euphoria is overrated
Hulu is better than Netflix
The movie industry should abandon theatrical release in favor of streaming
Spotify should ban Joe Rogan
Robert Pattinson is the best Batman
Round 3 Debate - 11:30-1:00
Speaker 1
ROUND 3: Sports
Michael Jordan > Lebron James
The International Olympic Committee should disband
The NFL should be investigated for civil rights violations
The designated hitter rule is bad for baseball.
The College Football Playoffs should expand to 16 teams.
Round 4 Debate - 1:30-3:00
Speaker 1
ROUND 4: Values
Social media companies should value responsible speech over freedom of speech.
Criminal justice reform should value rehabilitation over retribution.
When in conflict, cultural traditions should be prioritized over environmental concerns.
When in conflict, governments ought to value civil liberties over national security.
The United Nations’ obligation to protect global human rights ought to be valued above its obligation to respect national sovereignty.
Elim 1 Debate 6:00-7:30
Speaker 1
ELIM 1: US Domestic Policy
The United States Federal Government should forgive all student loans.
The United States Federal Government should federally decriminalize cannabis
The United States Federal Government should substantially increase regulation of firearms
The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its protections of voting rights
The United States Federal Governemnt should ban the use of cash bail for non-violent crimes
Elim 2 Debate - 12:15-1:30
Speaker 1
Elim 2: International Politics
Scotland should leave the United Kingdom
Brexit did more harm than good
The African Union should adopt a pan-continental currency.
Article 9 of Japan’s constitution should be repealed.
The United Nations should grant India a permanent seat on the Security Council.
Elim 3 - 3:15-4:45
Speaker 1
ELIM 3: Mexico
The United Mexican States should implement economic sanctions against Russia
In Mexico, President López Obrador has done more harm than good
The United Mexican States should substantially increase its efforts to curb cartel violence
The United States Federal Government should end its use of Title 42 expulsions
The United Mexican States should implement reforms to increase state control of its energy sector
Elim 4 DebatÄ™ - 5:00-6:30
Speaker 1
Elim 4: Ukraine
The EU should admit Ukraine
NATO should admit Ukraine
NATO should establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine
Russia should be removed from the UN Security Council
The United States should deploy troops to Ukraine