C. Open IPDA Event Prompts

Round 1 Debate- 8:30am (PST)

  1. Speaker 1

    2021 IFA - IPDA Topics - Round 1 - US Politics 1. President Biden has had a successful start to his presidency. 2. The US Supreme Court has lost credibility with the American public. 3. The Republican Party should shun Senator Ted Cruz. 4. The Senate should eliminate the filibuster. 5. Presidential executive orders do more harm than good.

Round 2 Debate -10:30am (PST)

  1. Speaker 1

    2021 IFA - IPDA Topics - Round 2 - International Institutions 1. The United Nations is irrelevant. 2. The World Health Organization failed us during the pandemic. 3. NATO has outlived its usefulness. 4. The European Union can survive post-Brexit. 5. ASEAN must do more to resolve the crisis in Myanmar.

Round 3 Debate -1:00pm (PST)

  1. Speaker 1

    2021 IFA - IPDA Topics - Round 3 - Education 1. High schools should embrace remote education even after the pandemic. 2. High school should be voluntary. 3. Foreign language fluency should be required for high school graduation. 4. High schools should make life skill classes mandatory. 5. Homework should be banned.

Round 4 Debate -3:00pm (PST)

  1. Speaker 1

    2021 IFA - IPDA Topics - Round 4 - Monarchies 1. It is time to abolish the British Monarchy. 2. The Crown is Netflix’s best show. 3. Constitutional monarchies do more harm than good. 4. It is time for the United States to have a monarch as head of state. 5. The worst monarch in history was _______.

Elim 1 Debate 5:30pm (PST)

  1. Speaker 1

    2021 IFA - IPDA Topics - Elim 1 - Climate Change 1. Nuclear power should be embraced to move away from fossil fuels. 2. The Paris Agreement will do little to combat climate change. 3. It is too late to reverse the negative effects of climate change. 4. The Green New Deal, if adopted, would do more harm than good. 5. A carbon tax is the best policy to combat climate change.

Elim 2 Debate -12:30pm (PST)

  1. Speaker 1

    2021 IFA - IPDA Topics - Elim 2 - Social Media & the Press 1. Press freedom is a myth. 2. Facebook has done more harm than good for interpersonal communication. 3. Digitally editing models in magazines should be prohibited. 4. The United States should revive the Fairness Doctrine. 5. Alcohol, junk food, and sugar related advertisements need to be banned.

Elim 3 Debate -2:00pm (PST)

  1. Speaker 1

    2021 IFA - IPDA Topics - Elim 3 - Mix 1. The Summer Olympics should be postponed one more year. 2. Housing is a human right. 3. If he runs for President in 2024, Donald J. Trump would win. 4. We should embrace Artificial Intelligence. 5. The United States should pay reparations for slavery.