A. Professional IPDA - Sun 2/04 Pattern A Elim Rd. 2 - 10:45 a.m. Draw

Affirmative Negative Room Judge
Lee College Jerry McCauley Independent2 Keithen Lewis Stanley Russ 103 1. Matthew Cook (He/Him) - UARK
2. Daniel Murrah - DBU
3. Hannah Dryer - UU
Dallas Baptist University EmmaRose Gregory Mississippi State University Devin Hutchins College of Business 300 1. Priscilla Guerra - LEE
2. Tabitha Keylon - UU
3. Rhea Neugebauer (She/They) - UARK
Louisiana State University Shreveport Matthew Gedeon (He/Him) Union University Grayson Harris College of Business 309 1. Emma Jaramillo - LEE
2. Anamica Khadgi - MSU
3. Kate Rooney - DBU
Union University Maisyn Price Union University Alex Bope ROOM TBA 1. ZZ-BYE