E. Open TPDA Event Prompts

Round 1 TPDA 9:00 Topic Announce

  1. Speaker 1

    1. Policy: Post-secondary education institutions should prioritize vocational programs 
    2. Policy: The USFG should impose age restrictions on politicians. 
    3. Value: Cancel Culture has done more harm than good.  
    4. Fact:  Freedom of speech is dead.  
    5. Metaphor: Courage is a shield against adversity. 

Round 2 TPDA 10:35am Topic Announce

  1. Speaker 1

    1. Policy: The United States should adopt universal healthcare. 
    2. Value: The preservation of minority cultural values should be valued above the preservation of a unified national culture 
    3. Value: The US has caused more harm than good in the Middle East 
    4. Fact: The stock market is not a good bet.  
    5. Metaphor: Success is a journey, not a destination. 

Round 3 TPDA 12:30 Topic Announce

  1. Speaker 1

    1. Policy: The United States federal government should legalize all illicit drugs. 
    2. Value: When in conflict, governments should value civil liberties over national security 
    3. Fact: The Biden presidency is a success. 
    4. Fact: Democracy is dead  
    5. Metaphor: Success is a marathon, not a sprint. 

Round 4 TPDA 2:05pm Topic Announce

  1. Speaker 1

    1. Policy: The USFG should enact a universal basic income
    2. Policy: The United States federal government should implement a central bank for digital currency. 
    3. Value: Amazon has caused more harm than good 
    4. Fact: Nuclear weapons are the best deterrent for WWIII 
    5. Metaphor: Love is a melody that resonates within. 

Elim 1 TPDA 4:00 Topic Announce

  1. Speaker 1

    1. Policy: School districts should ban all or almost all homework. 
    2. Value: Private schools do more harm than good
    3. Value: This House believes that the increase in usage of artificial intelligence in the workforce is more beneficial than harmful. 
    4. Fact: College is no longer a place for the expression of different ideas.  
    5. Metaphor: The love of money is the root of all evil. 

Elims 2 TPDA ASAP After Awards

  1. Speaker 1

    1. Policy: The state of California should fund four years of in-state college education for all current California residents
    2. Value:  Government-run space programs are preferable to privately-run space programs
    3. Fact: Cyberattacks are America’s biggest threat. 
    4. Fact: Government employees have a moral obligation to leak classified information to address injustice. 
    5. Metaphor: The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge.