C. Novice NPDA Event Prompts

Round 1 Topic Announce 9:00

  1. Speaker 1


    Resolved: This house believes it is better to have time than money. 

Round 2 Topic Announce 10:35

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 2: 


    Resolved: The USFG should implement a universal basic income. 

Round 3 Topic Announce 12:30

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 3: 


    Resolved: The United States is the greatest country in the world

Round 4 Topic Announce 2:05

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 4: 


    Resolved: Online education does more harm than good.  

Elim 1 Topic Announce 4:15

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 5 


    Resolved: This house should take immediate action to address drought in the Western United States. 

Elim 2 Topic Announce 5:50

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 6 


    Resolved: The United States should substantially increase its military presence and/or economic development in the Arctic region.