Judge Philosophies

Jordan Compton - SBU

I competed in NPDA and IDPA for four years.  I've coached NPDA, IPDA, and PF for 10+ years.  

I'm a communication guy.  That will never change.  I'm much more of an IE coach/judge than a debate coach/judge but I should be able to follow along with most anything.

I loathe speed.  See the line above.  I'm a communication guy.  

I try to be a flow judge as much as possible.  It's your job to tell me where to flow your argument.  If you organize for me and tell me what to do, I'm going to do it and I'll probably like you more for doing that.  

I will not do the work for you.  You need to explain your argument super clearly.  And like I said above, you need to tell me where to put that argument on the flow.  

If you give me a criterion that's what I'm going to use to help guide my decision.  If you give me a criterion and then fail to use it throughout the debate, you're probably going to lose.  (If you say we're doing CBA and then don't give me any costs/benefits, what's the point of the CBA criterion?)


Not a huge fan of Ks but I'll listen.  Remember everything I said above about being clear and organized.  That goes triple here.  

I like case debate.  

I'll listen to a good CP.  

I'll vote on T if abuse is articulated well.  

In Parli, I will not flow any argument from a partner who speaks when it's not their turn to speak.  I kind of hate when this happens.  

I'm happy to answer specific questions before a round, but I probably won't go into great detail.  My usual response when asked what I like to hear in debate is, "Don't suck."  

Lora Cohn - Park


Nick Niemerg - SIUE


Will Wheeler - SBU