D. Open IPDA Event Prompts

LD/IPDA Round 1 - 9:00-10:00am

  1. Speaker 1

    1. The USFG should reform the mandatory sentencing guidelines for felony drug offenses.

    2. The War on Drugs is winnable.

    3. The USFG should ban private prisons. 

    4. Utilitarianism is the best moral orientation. 

    5. Sometimes it be like that.

LD/IPDA Round 2 - 10:30-11:30am

  1. Speaker 1

    1. NATO should disband.

    2. There will be a nuclear war in the next 10 years. 

    3. New Zealand should change its United Nations-recognized name to Aotearoa

    4. The War in Ukraine has done more harm than good.

    5. I’m so 3008, you’re so 2000 and late.

LD/IPDA Round 3 - 1:00-2:00pm

  1. Speaker 1

    1. The Republic of China should significantly divest from the semiconductor manufacturing industry.

    2. Monarchy will be abolished in the United Kingdom.

    3. Japan should abolish its monarchy.

    4.  The benefits of a large military outweigh the costs. 

    5. I am the one who knocks.

LD/IPDA Round 4 - 2:30-3:30pm

  1. Speaker 1

    1. The European Union should establish a standing, professional armed force.

    2. China will never be a superpower.

    3.  The Parliament of the  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland should declare Scottish independence.

    4. When in conflict, cats are better than dogs. 

    5. So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause.

LD/IPDA Elim 1 - 4:00-5:00pm

  1. Speaker 1

    1. The USFG should substantially invest in nuclear weapons development programs.

    2. Socialized Medicine is possible in the United States. 

    3. The FAA should take significant action to reprimand Southwest Airlines.

    4. Everything bagels are better than plain bagels. 

    5. You should probably mow the grass before it comes back.

LD/IPDA Elim 2 - 5:30-6:30pm

  1. Speaker 1

    1. The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka should remove Ranil Wickremesinghe from office.

    2. Grilled Cheese Sandwiches are better with Tomato Soup

    3. The USFG should substantially increase its investment in fossil fuels. 

    4. Preemptive warfare is morally justified. 

    5. Bad biscuits make the baker broke, bro.