C. Open IPDA Event Prompts
Round 1 - 9:30 AM
Speaker 1
1. The USFG should pass the Build Back Better Plan.
2. The industrial revolution was a mistake
3. Solar power is the future
4. Tom Holland is the best Spider-Man.
5. The USFG should raise the minimum wage.
Round 2 - 10:45 AM
Speaker 1
1. The USFG should invest in nuclear power.
2. Pineapple belongs on pizza.
3. War is politics by other means
4. Modern problems can not be solved by individuals
5. 5G is a scam.
Round 3 - 12:00 PM
Speaker 1
1. Big Tech needs more competition
2. The US Senate should repeal the filibuster
3. Politics require direct action
4. The US should take action on the Uyghur genocide in China.
5. The African Union should negotiate a ceasefire between the Tigray Army and the Ethiopian government.
Round 4 - 2:30 PM
Speaker 1
1. The United States should increase its support for the search for extraterrestrial life
2. This house should become more oil independent.
3. E-sports are not real sports.
4. Adele > Beyonce
5. The benefits of online forensics outweigh the disadvantages
Elim 1 - 3:45 PM
Speaker 1
1. Materialism should be preferred to idealism
2. Art is not activism
3. The EU should shun Belarus
4. The United States should impose limits on housing speculation
5. The Oath Keepers should be considered a terrorist organization
Elim 2 - ASAP
Speaker 1
1. Football should not be played during a pandemic
2. To continue to make Star Wars is a folly
3. On balance, globalized free trade has been a boon for the world
4. Veganism is a moral imperative
5. The United States should commit to a world without nuclear weapons