D. Open IPDA Event Prompts

Round 1 - 8:00am

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 1 Flight A

    1. V: Sentencing guidelines are failing.

    2. V: Artificial intelligence will be more harmful than not.

    3. P: Hospitals should have the right to take patients off life support.

    4. P: The United States should raise the federal minimum wage.

    5. F: Social Security will never run out of money.

    Round 1 Flight B


    1. V: Influencers have a duty to be honest.  

    2. V: Safe injection sites are more beneficial than not.

    3. P: High School English classes should stop teaching the classics. 

    4. P: Britain should stop the development of offshore oil fields. 

    5. F: Dianne Feinstein’s death will be detrimental to the Democratic party.

Round 2 - 9:45am

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 2 Flight A

    1. V: Due process is the most valuable right

    2. V: Environmental preservation outweighs economic growth

    3. P: The US should pay more dues to the UN  

    4. P:  California should lower the tax rate 

    5. F: Exposure to different perspectives is foundational to democracy 


    Round 2 Flight B

    1. V:  Free speech is the best right

    2. V:  Social media works best with no content restrictions 

    3. P:  the US should eliminate all student debt

    4. P:  San Francisco should make public transit free 

    5. F:  People never change




Round 3 - 11:45am

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 3 Flight A

    1. V: Virtual reality is better than physical reality.

    2. V: Nuclear energy is worth it.

    3. P: The United States should significantly reform the electoral college.

    4. P: California should build more electric vehicle charging stations 

    5. F: People generally negotiate in good faith. 

    Round 3 Flight B


    1. V:  The older generation knows best 

    2. V:  STEM majors are best   

    3. P:  China should cooperate with the US on Ukraine 

    4. P:  the US should invest more money in space innovation 

    5. F: The free market is the best innovator of ideas

Round 4 - 2:00pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 4 Flight A

    1. V:  Religious intolerance is the most abhorrent indifference 

    2. V:  Its best when the youth participate in politics

    3. P: the European Union should develop a stronger military

    4. P: the US should open the border

    5. F: Growth is infinite

    Round 4 Flight B


    1. V: Celebrity fundraising is hypocritical.

    2. V: Data privacy is a moral issue. 

    3. P: The United States should set a maximum age limit for Congress.

    4. P: The Oscars should recognize stunt performers.

    5. F: The Beatles are the most successful music group of all time.

Bronze Round - 4:00pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Bronze Flight B

    1. V: College is not worth it.

    2. V: Mega-universities cause more harm than good.

    3. P: The United States should increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court.

    4. P: San Francisco should increase the number of police on duty

    5. F: Reducing taxes helps alleviate poverty 


    Gold/Silver Flight A

Gold Round - 5:30pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Gold/Silver Flight A

    1. V: Fear is the best motivator 

    2. V: We should all follow the Golden Rule

    3. P: The United States government ought to give Land Back to Indigenous Peoples. 

    4. P: Universities should divest from fossil fuels 

    5. F: Capitalism is destructive 


    Gold/Silver Flight B


    1. V:  Adapt or die

    2. V:  Physical education should be mandatory 

    3. P:  the US federal government should build a space elevator

    4. P:  The US federal