B. Middle School NOF Parli Event Prompts

Round 1 - 1:30pm

  1. Speaker 1

    International travel does more harm than good

    Resolved: The United States should normalize economic relations with the Republic of Cuba.

    This house believes that a three-party system is preferable to a two-party system.

Round 2 - 3:00pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Aliens exist.

    This house, as a regular user of social media, would not get involved in political arguments on Facebook/Twitter.

    Artificial intelligence will do more good than harm

Round 3 - 4:15pm

  1. Speaker 1

    This house should adopt a policy to stop inflation.

    Resolved: In the US criminal justice system, truth-seeking ought to be valued above attorney-client privilege.

    In the United States, juveniles charged with violent felonies ought to be treated as adults in the criminal justice system.

Finals - 5:45pm

  1. Speaker 1

    The United States federal government should significantly restrict concentrated animal feeding operations in the United States --n/a

    Resolved: Public colleges and universities in the United States should restrict constitutional hate speech.

    The public’s right to know is of greater value than the right to privacy of candidates for public office.