A. Novice Drama Interp Result Sheets (8 entries)
School | Competitor | Prelims | Prelim Totals | Elims | Placing |
COLLEGE OF DUPAGE | D'Asia Cobbins | 1 -22 2 -23 | 3 - 45 | 2 -21 5 -20 6 -20 | 4 |
Elgin Community College | Alissa Milbrant | 2 -23 2 -23 | 4 - 46 | 5 -18 2 -23 2 -24 | 3 |
Elgin Community College | Sammy Scialabba | 4 -17 4 -17 | 8 - 34 | ||
McHenry County College | Amanda Haugk | 5 -17 4 -19 | 9 - 36 | ||
Moraine Valley College | Shelby Woody | 4 -19 1 -24 | 5 - 43 | 3 -20 1 -24 4 -22 | 2 |
Moraine Valley College | Brian Hueser | 2 -21 3 -21 | 5 - 42 | 5 -17 6 -19 3 -23 | 5 |
North Central College | Zamin Noorani | 3 -20 5 -17 | 8 - 37 | ||
Northern Illinois University | Emily Fried | 1 -23 1 -25 | 2 - 48 | 1 -24 3 -22 1 -25 | 1 |
Prelim Tie Breakers: Ranks|Points|Random
Elim Tie Breakers: Rank In Elim|Judge Pref In Elim|Total Rank In Event|Number Of Firsts In Event|Decimal In Elim|Points In Elim|Points In Prelim