D. Novice IPDA Event Prompts

NFA-LD/IPDA Round 1 - 9:15am

  1. Speaker 1

    1. USFG should reform the Supreme Court
    2. USFG should pass universal preschool
    3. Allowing the homeless to camp in public places does more harm than good
    4. Decriminalizing all drugs is desirable
    5. Dim the lights, here we go…

NFA-LD/IPDA Round 2 - 10:45am

  1. Speaker 1

    1. California should mandate second language education throughout elementary and secondary school
    2. USFG should eliminate the penny
    3. In America, the benefits of nuclear power plants for generating electricity outweigh the disadvantages
    4. Freedom of speech is more important than ending hate speech
    5. This house would just do it

NFA-LD/IPDA Round 3 - 12:30pm

  1. Speaker 1

    1. USFG should grant statehood to Puerto Rico
    2. USFG should adopt the metric system
    3. Defunding the police does more harm than good
    4. Arts education is as important as STEM education
    5. This house would change trains

NFA-LD/IPDA Round 4 - 2pm

  1. Speaker 1

    1. USFG should enact single-payer healthcare for all
    2. USFG should increase the production of oil and gas
    3. Overall, America has been a force for good
    4. At this time, economic growth is more important than environmental protection
    5. This house would light the fire within

NFA-LD/IPDA Elim 1 - 3:45pm

  1. Speaker 1

    1. The Senate should change the filibuster rule
    2. USFG should pass the Build Back Better Act
    3. Zoos do more harm than good
    4. The harms of social media outweigh the benefits
    5. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!

NFA-LD/IPDA Elim 2 - 5:15pm

  1. Speaker 1

    1. USFG should expand the Supreme Court
    2. USFG should raise taxes
    3. Pornography is detrimental to society
    4. Biden’s energy policy has done more harm than good
    5. This house would bite the bullet