E. Championship Parli Event Prompts
Round 1 - 4:45 pm
Speaker 1
Round 1:
1. Policy: The United States federal government should significantly increase its investment in nuclear
Power2. Policy: The Democratic People's Republic of Korea should take action to reunify with the Republic of Korea
3. Value: Allocating funds to the homelessness crisis is preferable to allocating funds to the war in Ukraine
4. Value: Wealth accumulation is the most important goal in life
5. Fact: We are past the point of no return for climate change
Round 2 - 6:15 pm
Speaker 1
Round 2:
1. Policy: The United States federal government should give back the land2. Policy: The United States federal government should significantly increase its restrictions on firearm ownership
3. Value: Mandatory minimum sentences do more harm than good
4. Value: Being a vampire is preferable to being a werewolf
5. Fact: Russia will win its conflict with Ukraine
Round 3 - 11:30 am
Speaker 1
Round 3:
1. Policy: The United States federal government should establish a federal carbon tax
2. Policy: The United States federal government should eliminate all intellectual property protections in the United States
3. Value: Living a meaningful life is more important than living a comfortable life
4. Value: Capitalism does more good than harm
5. Fact: Privacy is no longer achievable in the digital age
Round 4 - 4:30 pm
Speaker 1
Round 4:
1. Policy: California should abandon the high-speed rail2. Policy: The United States federal government should significantly increase restrictions on concentrated animal feeding operations in the United States
3. Value: Preservation of nature is more important than technological advancement
4. Value: Nuclear weapons do more good than harm
5. Fact: Aliens have visited the Earth
Round 5 - 8:00 am
Speaker 1
Round 5:
1. Policy: The United States federal government should adopt a No First Use policy for its nuclear arsenal2. Policy: The United States should withdraw from NATO
3. Value: Social media does more harm than good
4. Value: Welfare does more harm than good
5. Fact: Joe Biden will win the 2024 Presidential Election
Round 6 - 11:45 am
Speaker 1
Round 6:
1. Policy: The People’s Republic of China should annex Taiwan2. Policy: The United States federal government should repeal section 230 of the Communication Decency Act
3. Value: Prisons do more harm than good
4. Value: Life sentences are preferable to the death penalty
5. Fact: Donald Trump will win the 2024 Presidential Election
Elim 1 - 3:30 pm
Speaker 1
Bronze Round:
1. Policy: The United States should significantly reduce its use of drones in military operations2. Policy: The United States federal government should eliminate its nuclear arsenal
3. Value: Censorship does more harm than good
4. Value: Surveillance technology does more harm than good
5. Fact: A college education is no longer necessary for the average worker
Elim 2 - 9:45 am
Speaker 1
Gold Round:
1. Policy: The United States federal government should end its military aid to one or more of the following nations: Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan2. Policy: The United States federal government should abolish the minimum wage
3. Value: Environmental protection should be prioritized over economic growth
4. Value: Rural life is preferable to urban life
5. Fact: A second US civil war is more likely than not