A. Championship IPDA Event Prompts

Round 1 (CA) - 11:30 am / R1 (IPDA) - 12:00 pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 1:
    1. Policy: The United States federal government should defund NASA

    2. Policy: The Economic Community of West African States should establish a common currency

    3. Value: Universal basic income does more good than harm

    4. Value: Free markets should be prioritized over government intervention
    5. Fact: China will become the world's dominant superpower in the next decade

Round 2 (CA) - 3:00 pm / R2 (IPDA) - 3:30 pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 2:

    1. Policy: The United States should eliminate daylight savings time

    2. Policy: Japan should repeal Article 9 of the Japanese constitution

    3. Value: When addressing climate change authoritarian governments are preferable to democracies

    4. Value: Trade school is preferable to going to college
    5. Fact: The wealth gap between the rich and the poor will increase over the next decade

Round 3 (CA) - 9:45 am / R3 (IPDA) - 10:15 am

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 3:
    1. Policy: Brazil should decrease its protection of the Amazon rainforest

    2. Policy: The European Union should admit Ukraine as a member state

    3. Value: United States agricultural subsidies do more harm than good

    4. Value: Artificial intelligence does more good than harm
    5. Fact: Israel will engage in a full-scale war with surrounding Arab states by the end of 2024

Round 1 (Poetry) - 2:45 pm / R4 (IPDA) - 3:15 pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 4:
    1. Policy: The United States federal government should abolish and replace the Electoral College

    2. Policy: The United States federal government should ban the use of Artificial intelligence by law enforcement

    3. Value: Open-mindedness does more good than harm

    4. Value: Genetically modified organisms do more harm than good
    5. Fact: In the next 25 years the United States will have a viable third party

Round 2 (Poetry) - 9:30 am / R5 (IPDA) - 10:00 am

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 5: 

    1. Policy: The United States federal government should end all economic sanctions against Cuba

    2. Policy: The United States federal government should eliminate cash bail

    3. Value: The United States has done more good than harm

    4. Value: The common good ought be prioritized over individual rights
    5. Fact: Artificial intelligence will become sentient by 2040

Round 3 (Poetry) - 1:15 pm / R6 (IPDA) - 1:45 pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Round 6:
    1. Policy: The United States federal government should provide reparations to the descendants of enslaved people

    2. Policy: The United States should significantly increase restrictions on voting in U.S. elections

    3. Value: Anthropocentrism does more good than harm

    4. Value: Genetically engineering designer babies would do more harm than good
    5. Fact: American exceptionalism is justified

Finals (CA) - 6:45 pm / Elim 1 (IPDA) - 7:15 pm

  1. Speaker 1

    Bronze Round:
    1. Policy: The United States federal government should end its corn subsidies

    2. Policy: The United States federal government should take significant military action to assist Haiti

    3. Value: Marxist theories have done more harm than good

    4. Value: Deepfake technology does more good than harm
    5. Fact: Baseball is no longer America's past-time

Finals (Poe) - 11:15 am / Elim 2 (IPDA) - 11:45 am

  1. Speaker 1

    Gold Round

    1. Policy: The United States federal government should substantially increase its investment in public transport infrastructure

    2. Policy: The United States federal government should establish a maximum wage

    3. Value: Coding boot camps are preferable to computer science degrees

    4. Value: Cryptocurrency does more harm than good
    5. Fact: The European Union is on the path to collapse