I. Open IPDA Event Prompts

IPDA Round 1, Flight A - 8:00 AM

  1. Speaker 1

    1.      Fears about artificial intelligence are underestimated.

    2.      A four-day school week will benefit teachers at the cost of student achievement.

    3.      To live life forward, look backward.

    4.      The U.S. federal government should adopt a single-payer health care system.

    5.      We need to break up Amazon.

IPDA Round 1, Flight B - 8:30 AM

  1. Speaker 1

    1.      Taylor Swift is rightfully the "Best Artist of All Time."

    2.      Manchester United should not welcome back David De Gea.

    3.      Canceling student loan debt will cause more problems than it solves.

    4.      To reduce poverty, the Bolivian government should adopt a program similar to Bolsa Familia.  

    5.      American resentment for taxation is unjustified.

IPDA Round 2, Flight A - 9:45 AM

  1. Speaker 1

    1.      The Michelin rating system does more harm than good for restaurants.

    2.      Climate science is politically motivated.

    3.      What an old man sees while lying down, a young man can never see even when he climbs up in a tree.

    4.      China’s “one-child policy” is responsible for its problems today.

    5.      An international body should be created to thwart the “axis of resistance.”

IPDA Round 2, Flight B - 10:15 AM

  1. Speaker 1

    1.      Science is the new religion.

    2.      Legal rules are created to justify unequal distributions of power.

    3.      Only the thing for which you have struggled will last.

    4.      To restore public confidence, Pakistan should reduce military spending and invest it in public health.

    5.      The essence of human experience ought to be valued over digital advancement. 

IPDA Round 3, Flight A- 11:30AM

  1. Speaker 1

    1.      Federal judicial ethics statutes and advisory guidelines ought to be rewritten.

    2.      The 2020s will end better than it started.

    3.      A thief thinks everybody steals.

    4.      The trade war with China will be net beneficial to the United States.

    5.      The U.S. should increase access to public transportation in rural communities.

IPDA Round 3, Flight B - 12PM

  1. Speaker 1

    1.      The US Federal Government should significantly reform social security.

    2.      Where the needle goes, the thread follows.

    3.      Sustainability should begin with cities not countries.

    4.      Automatic tipping hurts the service industry.

    5.      The Chinese economy needs more privatization.

IPDA Round 4, Flight A- 2:15PM

  1. Speaker 1

    1.      Efficiency ought to be prioritized over fairness.

    2.      Our soldiers were lions in the war.

    3.      The U.S. Senate should ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

    4.      The American dream of homeownership is exacerbating climate change.

    5.      We ought not attempt to clone animals.

IPDA Round 4, Flight B- 2:45 PM

  1. Speaker 1

    1.      Kindness and fairness are incompatible.

    2.      The United States should emulate Scotland’s COVID public inquiry.  

    3.      Behind the clouds, the sky is always blue.

    4.      Academia today lacks big thinking.

    5.      Indonesia’s political stability is not as undemocratic as some think.  

IPDA Elim 1 - 4:00 PM

  1. Speaker 1

    1.      Science is a method to improve our world not an agreed upon body of knowledge.

    2.      Marxist feminism ought to be valued above liberal feminism.

    3.      It is the law that judges, not the judge.

    4.      U.S. States should be permitted to run deficits.

    5.      The U.S. Customs and Border Protection policy of “prevention through deterrence” is responsible for the high level of migrant deaths.

IPDA, Elim 2 - 5:00 PM

  1. Speaker 1

    1.      Capitalism achieves social harmony through the pursuit of self-interest.

    2.      Anonymity ought to be valued over public safety on social media.

    3.      West African countries should make climate adaptation a priority.

    4.      A cat may look at a king.

    5.      House terms lengths should be increased.

IPDA Elim 3 - 7:30 PM (if needed)

  1. Speaker 1

    1.      The United Nations should prioritize actions that achieve the goals of the Nairobi Declaration.

    2.      Claims that social media polarizes Americans are overblown.

    3.      Gender-affirming health care ought to be a protected right.

    4.      We should tend to our own homes first.

    5.      The US federal budget process is broken beyond repair.