Judge Philosophies

Andrew West - CSUN


David Hale - CSULA

Eric Campanano - Chabot College


Erika Kennelley - CSULA

Grant Tovmasian - CSULA

Jason Ames - Chabot

<p>I believe it is up to you to make strategic decisions on how you perform in round. Thus, you tell me what I&rsquo;m supposed to judge on.&nbsp; I believe the round is yours to define and I&rsquo;ll vote on any argument (T&rsquo;s, K&rsquo;s, CP&rsquo;s, whatever) that is reasoned out, impacted, and persuasive.&nbsp; If you blip it, I won&rsquo;t buy it just because it&rsquo;s on the flow.&nbsp; Argumentation should be organized to enable me to flow your arguments better.</p> <p>Other things:</p> <p>I prefer that students adhere to the topic given, but I am also open and able to judge critical arguments from both sides of the resolution if applicable and necessary.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m not a huge fan of speed in either NFA or Parli. I do try to adapt as best as possible, however, but I also don&rsquo;t want to be a &ldquo;flow machine&rdquo;. I want to be able to hear and process your arguments so that I can make a good decision. Hit your tags, explain your analysis and we&rsquo;ll be all good. If you&rsquo;re going too fast for me, I&rsquo;ll clear you and if you do that we&rsquo;ll all be happy at the end of the round.</p> <p>In NFA, I believe that spreading is antithetical to the event. However, I don&rsquo;t believe you need to be &ldquo;conversational speed&rdquo; either. Feel free to talk a bit quickly (as us debaters do). Hit your tags, explain your analysis and we&rsquo;ll be all good. If you&rsquo;re going too fast for me, I&rsquo;ll clear you and if you do that we&rsquo;ll all be happy at the end of the round. If you don&rsquo;t, you&rsquo;ll probably be unhappy.</p> <p>Also in NFA, if at least the tags and sources of your 1AC are not in a public space that is available to all debaters after round 2 of the tournament, I will become more prone to buy predictability arguments from the Negative side and more willing to vote on T in favor of the Neg. (FYI Neg, this doesn&rsquo;t mean it&rsquo;s a lock for you if they don&rsquo;t &hellip; but the odds are ever in your favor).</p> <p>Here is the website for you to post your case:</p> <p><a href="http://nfaldfilesharing.wikispaces.com/">http://nfaldfilesharing.wikispaces.com/</a></p> <p>Your rebuttals should be a time for you to advocate your positions.&nbsp; Enjoy!</p>

Jessica Soo - Long Beach


Jesus Valles - Long Beach


John Kephart - CSUN


Kristen Apruzzese - Chabot College


Mark Dorrough - Cypress

Mark Nelson - SRJC

Mickey Korac - CSUN


Natalie Kellner - Chico

Stephen Ban - Butte

Taureanna Shimp - Chico