Welcome to the home page for the 2014 Free 4 Me IDT (Individual Debate Tournament) tournament hosted by Irvine Valley Collge on Oct 24, 2014 for College students.
Status: Tournament Completed
<h2>Come to the Free for Me IDT. You can be one of the first debaters in our region to compete in IPDA or debate the moon and compete in NFA-LD. Bring your judges, it's a free tournament.</h2>
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<h1><span class=\"marker\">Due to the size of the entry, I need to adjust the tournament entry setting. As of now we're at our room capacity. If you're interested in attending our tournament, please email me and we can add you to the wait list. We're in the process of acquiring more rooms. </span></h1>
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<h1><strong>REVISED Tentative Tournament Schedule (as of 10/16/14)</strong></h1>
<h1>12:00 Notify last minute drops and get team rooms in BSTIC 210</h1>
<h1>12:15 Postings </h1>
<h1>12:30 Round 1: NFA-LD and IPDA</h1>
<h1>1:30 Round 2: NFA-LD and IPDA</h1>
<h1>2:30 Round 3: NFA-LD and IPDA</h1>
<h1>3:30 Round 4: NFA-LD and IPDA</h1>
<h1>4:45/ASAP Awards in TBA</h1>